Thirty & Childless

I’m now thirty years old and of course with that a lot of people around me are getting pregnant and having children but that’s genuinely not something I desire.

I’ve actively chosen to not have children and usually I don’t feel the need to explain to anyone why but i’m tired of seeing people judging those of us who wish not to pro create.

For years I have said I don’t want children and i’m always met with responses such as “oh you’ll change your mind.” Or “that seems selfish”. Why? Why do people feel so comfortable making comments like that? It happens all the time and it’s beyond irritating at this point. Having children isn’t the be all and end all of life. Everyone has their own thoughts, feelings and plans for life. If you chose to have children, get married and have a cute little family life that’s completely fine, but also so is not wanting or having that. Family isn’t just a couple and some children, they can come in all shapes and sizes. A person and their cat or dog or whatever pet they choose can be and is a family. 

None of us really know anyone’s personal situation. The people your talking to kids about may have made the decision not to have them, they may be struggling to conceive, they may have gone through loss. It doesn’t really matter what their situation is if someone hasn’t outwardly spoken about their situation or feels comfortable to do so then don’t bring it up or make comment.

There’s many reasons I don’t want children but that is no one’s business unless I choose to share it.

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